Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Missing Site Templates while migrating to SharePoint 2013

Issue:The following sites are using templates that are not yet supported after upgrade

 http://servername/samples/<sitename> - #0

 http://servername/samples/<sitename> - #1

 http://servername/samples/<sitename> - #2

 http://servername/samples/<sitename> - #3


For this we need to check the site templates in both 14 and 15 hive folder.

We need to copy the missing site templates from 14 hive to 15 hive and also we must copy the site template related xml files (in 1033 folder )from 14 hive to 15 hive.

Power shell commands

1) Convert the web application from classic to Claims
Convert-SPWebApplication -Identity http://site url -From Legacy -To Claims -


2)To get the Site collection administrators list in web application

$web = Get-SPWeb http://site url

3)Test the site before to start the  migration

Test-SPContentDatabase -Name "database name" -WebApplication "site url"

4)Mount the data base

Mount-SPContentDatabase -Name "database name" -WebApplication "site url"

5)DisMount the data base

Dismount-SPContentDatabase -Name "database name" -WebApplication "site url"

6) Migrate users in web application
$wa = get-SPWebApplication http://mum-its-spqa1:91
7) Add/deploy/Remove the solutions in web application

Add-SPSolution -LiteralPath c:\contoso_solution.wsp

Install-SPSolution -Identity contoso_solution.wsp -GACDeployment -CompatibilityLevel 15

Uninstall-SPSolution -Identity contoso_solution.wsp

Remove-SPSolution -Identity contoso_solution.wsp